Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hair ideas fast!?

so my hair is a few inches past my shoulders and its not thin but not really thick and i tried to curl my hair but it will not stay in a curl for more than like an hour! also it seems like my hair is totaly flat on top. any ideas what i should do with it?

Hair ideas fast!?

Try this website they

have beautiful hairstyles. It might give you some ideas on what to try. Hope this helps!

Hair ideas fast!?

buy hairspray for when you curl your hair, and it`ll stayy.

Hair ideas fast!?

Vive hair products work! Just try some volumizing/curling shampoo and conditioners, then once you get out of the shower, blow dry your hair a little, then poof! You'll look amazing. Trust me. I had the same problem : ]

Hair ideas fast!?

try blow drying your hair upside down to get more volume... first apply mousse and a heat protectant though... then set your hair in large rollers while damp and sleep on them... or wait for it to dry completely... then spray with a little volumizing hair spray... I like grund velocity. Then take the rollers out. Do not brush through the hair. Just use your fingers to comb through the hair and blend the curls... it may be a little big at first but the curl will fall a little for the first couple hours... this should leave you with a lot of body and a nice toussled curl. hope that helped

Hair ideas fast!?

I have a similar problem with curls. I use rollers and blow dry them. Then I use hairspray before I take out the rollers, not too much, just enough to help hold the shape. Do Not brush your curled hair, use a wide toothed comb and follow the shape of each curl, or use your fingers and a bit of hair wax to texturize and put the hair into place.

As for it being flat on top, you can get it cut for volume on top, but this requires a layered cut.

Hair ideas fast!?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas - tips and tricks-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle Photo Gallery-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Short hairstyle tips-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Medium hairstyle tips-

Hair ideas fast!?

I agree with catalinagal. I have tried that website and it helped me find beautiful ideas on how to do my hair for a wedding. It pops up and there is a picture of a pretty blonde girl, but you have to scroll down past it and you will see different types of hairstyles. Just click on the kind you want to look at and it shows how to achieve it!

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